Sunday, November 22, 2020

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) Blue-Green Algae Review Site

from Twitter

November 23, 2020 at 03:24PM
Spirulina Wiki
437 Monroe St
Philadelphia, PA 19147

Friday, November 20, 2020

Spirulina Wiki Announces Availability of E3Live BrainON Supplements On Their Website

E3Live BrainOn Supplement, one of the frequently bought superfoods produced by the company E3Live, is now available at the Spirulina Wiki website. A comprehensive review of this type of blue green algae extract (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) can be seen at their website.

Spirulina Wiki highlights the fact that E3Live has been producing premium and high-quality blue green algae supplements such as E3Live BrainOn since 1995. They claim they are 100% safe, organic, kosher certified, vegan, and chemical-free. This particular type of spirulina has also won “Best Non-Liquid Supplement” during the 2014 Annual Best of Raw Awards.

e3live brainon review

E3Live BrainON is a popular blue green algae product with more concentrated extracts of PEA (Phenylethylamine) and Phycocyanin. Spirulina Wiki claims that the company, E3Live, harvests their spirulina at the Upper Klamath Lake located at the southernmost part of Oregon. The lake is believed to be where the world's richest strain of certified organic and wild-harvested AFA can be found.

Spirulina Wiki claims that based on research, PEA is a natural antidepressant that may help improve your mood. The other active ingredient, Phycocyanin, may also contribute to enhancing brain function. With these combined benefits, the website claims the E3Live BrainOn supplement may be perfect for people working at a fast paced environment - get the much needed nutrition, feel energized, think clearly, enhance mood effect, and manage everyday stress effectively.

Moreover, research claims that regular intake of blue green algae that are rich in PEA such as the E3Live BrainON supplement can be a safer alternative treatment to depression. It may also help diagnose and manage ADHD, as well as create “Runner’s High”, a euphoric feeling mostly experienced after intense physical activity such as running or exercising.

The E3Live BrainON supplement can be purchased in various forms depending on your personal preference. Spirulina Wiki highlights they are available in powdered form, capsule form, and fresh frozen liquid form. The capsule form has a dosage of 400mg and is available in three variations – 60 c, 120 ct, and 240 ct. E3Live recommends taking 2 caps per day. The powdered form, however, is available only in weights of 50 grams. You may also buy a box of singles containing 30sticks (1g/stick).

The fresh frozen liquid form of BrainON is also one of a kind. Spirulina Wiki claims E3Live is the only company to offer this blue green algae (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA)) in this form, the closest to its natural high-energy state found in nature. It is available in a 16oz bottle and in .5oz stick (32ct). Since blue green algae products are known to have a fishy smell and taste, an apple/lemon flavored (16oz/bottle) option gives it a refreshing citrus taste, not overwhelming, nor too sweet. And for those who really need that extra brain boost, Spirulina Wiki recommends the fresh frozen liquid BrainON supreme. They claim it is packed with 4x the amount of brain support extracts and is an ideal choice for students where increased concentration is required for dealing with projects and exams.

Spirulina Wiki also highlights how to use the E3Live BrainON supplement. For the powdered form, they recommend to take 1 scoop of powder 1-2 times per day before you do any activity that needs increased mental function. For the capsule form, you may take 1-2 caps per day. As for the fresh frozen liquid form, the bottle needs to be kept frozen until ready to use. With a shelf life of approximately 7-10 days, the website highly recommends to consume 1 bottle per week for optimum results. A special precaution is also highlighted especially for pregnant or nursing mothers to consult their primary health care provider before starting on this supplement.

Those interested can check out the various resources of the Spirulina Wiki website for a more comprehensive review on E3Live BrainON supplement, as well as other blue green algae spirulina products such as E3Live Blue Majik Spirulina.

Spirulina Wiki Announces Availability of E3Live BrainON Supplements On Their Website first published via Spirulina Wiki Press Room
Spirulina Wiki
Julienne F. Kurtz
437 Monroe St
Philadelphia, PA 19147
(215) 999-3191
Visit our website to know more about reviews, benefits, and uses of Blue green algae spirulina.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

E3Live Blue Majik On The Web

from Twitter

November 11, 2020 at 03:09PM
Spirulina Wiki
437 Monroe St
Philadelphia, PA 19147

E3Live BrainON Reviews

from Twitter

November 10, 2020 at 04:05PM
Spirulina Wiki
437 Monroe St
Philadelphia, PA 19147

Thursday, November 5, 2020

E3Live AFA Supplement Reviews

from Twitter

November 05, 2020 at 05:18PM
Spirulina Wiki
437 Monroe St
Philadelphia, PA 19147

E3 Live Blue Majik Spirulina Powder And Capsules Available For Sale On The Spirulina Wiki Website

e3live blue majik spirulina powder review

E3Live Blue Majik Spirulina powder and capsules have been made available for sale through the Spirulina Wiki website. The website has posted an in-depth review of the blue spirulina product with links to purchase the product from the online retailer, E3Live.

Spirulina Wiki claims that blue spirulina is rich in antioxidants, a good source of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, protein, and amino acids. They claim that blue spirulina may help fight free radicals, foster cellular protection, increase energy levels, vitality, endurance, support healthy joints, increase flexibility, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The review touts the aforementioned benefits as the reason for E3Live Blue Majik’s popularity among health and wellness enthusiasts.

Blue spirulina is a type of cyanobacteria that belongs to the blue-green algae family. It contains a phytochemical called “phycocyanin” responsible for the bluish pigment. Blue Majik is a proprietary, chemical-free extract produced by the company E3Live. Blue Majik spirulina powder contains both phycocyanin and non-phycocyanin compounds, a combination that the website claims is not often seen in regular spirulina. The Spirulina Wiki website claims that E3Live Blue Majik spirulina has received positive feedback and praise from its consumers for the organic whole food supplement’s effectiveness like rapid anti-inflammatory and energy-boosting results.

According to a customer review by Jennifer, “This product (E3Live Blue Majik) has really helped me start my healthy journey. I've been overweight/obese most of my life and had recently decided to put myself first and start making healthy choices concerning diet and exercise. Of course, the diet was and still is a struggle, but I felt like exercise was just impossible as I was completely tired in about 5 minutes flat... About a week after taking it, my knees weren't hurting as much and I had ENERGY! This helped me not only reach my goal but surpass. I still have a long way to go, but I'm down 20 lbs and have the energy to keep pressing through.” Interested customers can access recent news and reviews on the Spirulina Wiki website.

E3Live claims to source all their blue-green algae products from the Upper Klamath Lake of Oregon. Klamath Lake is free of adverse bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides. It receives an average of 300 days of sunlight per year which the website claims are a perfect growing environment for the world’s richest strain of blue-green algae.

Research claims that blue spirulina offers protection against oxidative stress-associated diseases due to a high concentration level of phycocyanin. The spirulina’s vibrant blue hue color is a strong indicator of its high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Furthermore, since blue spirulina is an effective scavenger of free radicals, it halts the development of chronic inflammation which could lead to cancer and other diseases are prevented.

The Spirulina Wiki website also claims that E3Live Blue Majik spirulina fights oral cancer since it is naturally rich in proteins, carotenoids, and other micronutrients. They go on to say that it may improve a patient’s chances of preventing and fighting against oral cancer. Spirulina Wiki refers to a controlled study that shows individuals reported their lesions greatly decrease while they regularly consume spirulina.

The website says that spirulina helps manage type 2 diabetes. It backs it up by claiming that taking 2 grams of supplements such as E3Live Blue Majik spirulina per day may significantly control a patient’s blood sugar level and helps improve the lipid profile of diabetics.

Spirulina Wiki also claims that blue spirulina increases physical performance and may help in the prevention of skeletal muscle damage making individuals feel less fatigued after exercise. In addition, spirulina may also aid in weight loss. It claims that in a study conducted with overweight individuals, results have shown a significant lowering of body weight, waist circumference, body fat, and BMI.

The E3Live Blue Majik spirulina product is available in powdered form, capsule form, and on-the-go singles. The powdered form is available in weights of 50 grams and a larger bottle of 460 grams. The capsule form is available in two variations – 60 ct and 120 ct. Each capsule has a dosage of 400mg with a recommended use of 2 capsules per day. The On-the-go singles are recommended as a good choice for first-time consumers. 1 box of singles contains 30 sticks (1g/stick). All the variations can be found at the website. Those interested may also check for more information.

E3 Live Blue Majik Spirulina Powder And Capsules Available For Sale On The Spirulina Wiki Website first published via Spirulina Wiki Press Room
Spirulina Wiki
Julienne F. Kurtz
437 Monroe St
Philadelphia, PA 19147
(215) 999-3191
Visit our website to know more about reviews, benefits, and uses of Blue green algae spirulina.

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

E3Live AFA Supplement Reviews

from Twitter

November 05, 2020 at 03:13PM
Spirulina Wiki
437 Monroe St
Philadelphia, PA 19147

Blue Majik Spirulina – Top 8 Sizzling Questions Answered

Blue Majik is a term you may have heard or come across your Insta feed. It can turn your food into a strikingly blue color , h...